The PSBGM Cultural Heritage Foundation has created an endowment fund for the purposes of providing scholarships to EMSB students to continue their studies. The general guidelines for the scholarships have been developed by the Foundation in concert with EMSB school administrators. The general guidelines established provide for the recognition of excellent academic achievement or perseverance against overwhelming odds.

Awarding scholarships to EMSB students

Scholarships will be awarded to deserving students in high school, elementary, adult education and special needs sectors of the English Montreal School Board. The number of scholarships allocated to a school is based on the enrollment of the graduating class at each learning institution. Please refer to the table to confirm the number of scholarships attributed to your school.

Graduating students in high schools, outreach schools, adult centres, and special needs high schools will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship to be distributed at the school’s graduation ceremonies (spring or fall). Elementary school students continuing their studies in an EMSB high school will be awarded a $100 scholarship to be distributed at a time deemed appropriate by the school Principal.

Scholarship Criteria

The school team must select a deserving student that intends on pursuing their studies and has distinguished themselves in either of the following two categories:

A scholarship may be awarded to an elementary school, high school, outreach school, adult centre, and special needs high school candidate of the school’s recommendation using the following criteria.


  1. The student has consistently excelled academically and is at or near the top of his/her class. Schools may wish to consider #2 and #3 as well.
  2. The selected candidate may have demonstrated involvement in school life in any or several of the following such as:
    • leadership activities, student council;
    • school sports teams, clubs, cultural activities;
    • representation of the school in math competitions, science fairs, public speaking, debating, etc.
  3. The selected candidate may have demonstrated involvement in school-sponsored volunteerism such as:
    • peer tutoring;
    • working in the school library;
    • participation in a school outreach program (i.e. soup kitchens, visiting the elderly and the sick, etc.).

A scholarship may be awarded to a high school, outreach school, adult centre, special needs high school or elementary school candidate of the school’s recommendation if they will be pursuing their education and have persevered in the face of overwhelming odds.


  1. The selected candidate(s) has/have achieved success despite serious personal difficulties (i.e. family situations, health problems, etc.) This could mean strong academic performance and/or notable contribution to school life.


  1. After consultation with the school team, high schools, adult centres (5), and elementary schools will select and submit one or more deserving recipient fulfilling the criteria for Category I or Category II.
  2. After consultation with the school teams, the outreach system will select and submit one recipient from either category from the entire network of schools.
  3. After consultation with the school teams, the Principals of the Mackay Centre, P. E. Layton, John Grant High School and L.I.N.K.S. high school collectively will select and submit one recipient from either category from this group of four schools.